The Walking Dead: 10 Horrifying Comic Book Moments Never In The TV Show

7. The Deaths Of Lori And Judith Grimes

The Walking Dead Rick Grimes Death
Image Comics

In both The Walking Dead TV series and comics, the main drive behind Rick's desire to clear and fortify the Prison is to create a safe space for Lori to give birth, and where they will not have to fear the cries of an infant attracting Walkers. Judith is born in Issue 39 of the comics, with mother and baby emerging unscathed. As the first child born in the apocalypse, Rick and Lori both express hope that their daughter will grow up able to accept the world as it is, without being hampered by the memories of what used to be.

Unfortunately, growing up is not in the cards for baby Judith. Nine Issues after her birth, The Governor launches an attack on the Prison. As the Grimes family attempt to flee, Lori is shot, with her body falling on top of Judith and crushing her to death. Rick witnesses the tragedy, but can do nothing to save them.

In the TV series, Lori dies from blood loss during an emergency C-section, but Judith is born healthy, becoming a symbol of hope for the other survivors. The writers have claimed this seemed a better move for the TV format. While the show did go on to toy with the possibility of Judith's death on a couple of occasions, most recently in the series finale, ultimately she survives until the end.


Kristy Anderson hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.