The Walking Dead: 10 Horrifying Comic Book Moments Never In The TV Show

3. The Murder Of The Greene Twins

The Walking Dead Rick Grimes Death
Image Comics

In The Walking Dead TV series, Hershel Greene only has two surviving children, Maggie and Beth, when Rick and his fellow survivors arrive at the farm. In the comic books, however, he begins with six living children, and of those six, four make it as far as the Prison: Maggie, Billy, and teenage twins Rachel and Susie. The twins, due to their young age and sheltered upbringing, are minor characters, speaking little and mostly seen only in the background of panels. But as the babies of the Greene family, it is made clear that the pair are deeply loved by their father and older siblings.

Shortly after the Greene family join the other survivors at the Prison, Rachel and Susie go missing, and after a brief search their bodies are discovered, decapitated, with Glenn forced to put down their reanimated heads. It is revealed that the twins were murdered by Thomas Richards, one of the remaining Prison inmates. Richards had lulled the survivors into a false sense of security by claiming to be imprisoned for a non-violent crime, when he was really a psychopathic killer.

In the early drafts of season three, Beth Greene, an amalgamation of a few characters from the comics, was slated to meet a similar fate to Rachel and Susie, but the idea was eventually scrapped.


Kristy Anderson hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.