The Walking Dead: 10 Moments That Most Pissed Off Fans

3. The Negan Cliffhanger

Walking Dead Negan Alpha

Let's give credit where credit's due: The writers did one heck of a job building up Negan as a legitimate threat to our favourite characters. To heap more praise on them, they successfully managed to do so without even having him appear on-screen, choosing to instead lay a ton of fearsome breadcrumbs that eventually led to Jeffrey Dean Morgan's unforgettable debut as the bat-wielding villain.

It had all gone so well; the fear-inducing build-up, the well-paced chase and the characters' realization that there was simply no going back, so when Negan himself popped out of that trailer we were all ready to lose our damn minds. Yep, The Walking Dead writers truly had us in the palm of their hands. And then they went and messed it all up.

We knew Lucille was going to take out someone because that's just how Negan operated. We didn't necessarily want to see it, but we knew it was destined to happen, and so we prepared ourselves for the shock... the shock that never came.

Instead of fulfilling the arc they had laid out by closing the season with the heartwrenching death of one of our beloved gang, the show instead went with what has got to be the cheapest cliffhanger in television history as Negan battered... the cameraman?

Being inside the POV of the person getting bludgeoned was supposed to be a stylistic choice to include the viewers in that dreadful situation, but as that blood trickled down the camera, there were only feelings of anger... because after meticulously planning a well-crafted story to make them wait for the culmination of Negan's arrival, the show sold out by forcing another unnecessary waiting period on them instead.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.