The Walking Dead: 10 Most Badass Rick Grimes Moments

6. Nebraska Or Death

Walking Dead Rick Grimes Badass

Rick, along with the inexperienced (at the time of this episode) pair of Glenn and Hershel, are confronted by two unsavory characters who are keenly interested in hearing more about the group’s current place of refuge, Hershel’s farm.

Rick, cautiously suspicious, sarcastically recommends the strangers should head to Nebraska in their search for safety. Unimpressed with that quip, one of the strangers pulls their weapon in an attempt to get the jump on Mr. Grimes. However, always quick on the draw Rick Grimes unholsters his Colt Python firing a shot into the head of his attempted killer and two more into his accomplice, killing both.

This mark the first time in the apocalyptic world where Rick has had to put down living people. It also shows just how far he is willing to go to protect his people and their property.


Zombie aficionado and hockey crazed Canuck. Waiting patiently for the apocalypse.