The Walking Dead: 10 Most Satisfying Deaths

2. Andrea

Whereas Lori was always an annoying character, the handling of Andrea was so much worse. After being praised early on for her growth, as Season 3 came around, the character began to devolve. She was stupid, unlikeable and trusted The Governor above all else. This was only made worse because of how she differed from her comic book counterpart, who€™s much more like the fierce Carol we now have on the TV series. Fans had been cheering for her to die all season and despite having a plan to potentially keep her alive, the writers decided that it was finally time for her to go. After being help captive and bit by the turned Milton, she was found too late to be saved. She then opted to kill herself rather than turn. This moment was meant to be the emotional lynchpin of the finale but instead came across like a joke, as if her death was meant to be met with anything other than rejoicing.

Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.