The Walking Dead: 10 Most Satisfying Deaths

1. Gareth

Gareth is the worst type of person imaginable. He€™s sadistic and cocky when in power but immediately weak and pathetic without it. After spending so many episodes taunting and then hunting Rick, Gareth is finally on the receiving end for once. After his fingers are shot off during their attempted raid on the church, Gareth tries to justify his actions, pleading for mercy. He says they€™ll leave and never come back, that they're no longer a threat. Thankfully, having never been shown mercy himself, Rick is not interested. What really puts his death above all others is that it fulfills a promise Rick made episodes earlier: that he would kill Gareth with the machete from his bag. He doesn€™t just shoot Gareth, as he said, he didn€™t want to waste the bullets. Instead, he brutally butchers him to death in a manner befitting such a vile person. The cherry on top is watching Michonne, Abraham, and Sasha do the exact same thing to his compatriots in the background. It's undeniably sadistic, but why else watch The Walking Dead if not to see bad people get savagely killed?

Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.