The Walking Dead: 10 Questions That Always Confused You

9. What Happened To Lori's Bones?

The Walking Dead

Early in the show's third season, Lori (Sarah Wayne Callies) dies during childbirth, and in the episode "Say the Word," Rick visits the boiler room where she died.

In lieu of her corpse, though, he finds an extremely bloated walker, and making the understandable deduction that the walker has consumed Lori's body, promptly executes it.

Yet this still begs the question - what happened to Lori's bones?

It's established in the show that the walkers don't eat bones, so where exactly did Lori's skeletal remains go?

Though it's not easily indicated by the episode itself, director and make-up effects supervisor Greg Nicotero confirmed in an interview with Daily Dead that Lori's bones were very close by indeed:

"The idea is supposed to be that the walker has sort of dragged her around the corner of that boiler room. There's actually a blood trail that continues past the walker and goes around the corner."

Nicotero added that he made a conscious decision not to show Lori's feasted upon remains for fear that it would detract from the impact of her demise:

"In keeping the emotional resonance of Lori's death, there are some boundaries. You may not believe it, but there are a few boundaries here and there on The Walking Dead that we want to preserve."

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.