The Walking Dead: 10 Things That Could Happen Next (According To The Comics)

8. The Grimes Clan Loses A Lot (Of Limbs)

For the most part, the Grimes clan in the TV series are faring a lot better than they have in the comics. Sure, Lori's dead, but Rick still has his hand intact €“ in the comics, an early confrontation with The Governor saw it lopped off, but the prospect of airbrushing Andrew Lincoln's hand out every week proved too costly a special effect to replicate on television €“ and Carl's not been doing too bad either, besides that brief coma in the second season. He's even got the hots for a girl in Alexandria, showing he knows how to schmooze the ladies by, er, taking her out zombie hunting and kissing in a tree whilst some shambling undead try and claw at them. Interesting technique, Carl. You'll be a lot less cocky when you see what The Herd has in store from you €“ at least, on the basis of the comics. Whilst Carl does indeed continue to evolve and grow as both character and badass in the source material, there's a major incident that serves as a catalyst to him growing up quickly. During the group's attack on that huge group of zombies Carl is seriously wounded, accidentally shot in the eye, which he eventually loses. Yeesh.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at