The Walking Dead: 10 Things That Could Happen Next (According To The Comics)

6. Negan Finally Shows Up

Paul is pretty much a dead cert to appear in the TV show because he's such a key character in the comics going forward. Negan, meanwhile, is almost certain to show up in season six (or seven, or eight, or whenever, because The Walking Dead is quite possibly going to go on forever in both comic and telly form), because fans absolutely love him. Because fans adore characters they love to hate, and Negan is very much a character of that sort. Surely the showrunners can't help but introduce him ASAP. The Walking Dead trips over on a lot of things, but they always try to give the fans what they want. Negan is introduced not long after the Hilltop bunch are brought into the fold; and a jolly good thing too, since the show has had a decided evil bad guy vacuum after The Governor got bumped off, and Negan is just the person to replace him. Negan has become such an effective bad guy in the comics, in fact, that he leaves The Governor in his dust. That one-eyed chancer had just one community under his thumb. Negan has lots, and plenty of cold-blooded murders under his belt to back that up. Casting the character's gonna be a tough job, but he's basically guaranteed to show up soon. He's the main antagonist in the source material, after all.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at