The Walking Dead: 10 Things That Could Happen Next (According To The Comics)

4. The Kingdom

It's not all doom and gloom, however. Because the settlements that The Saviours patrol €“ with extreme prejudice €“ are plural, and don't simply include the Hilltop Colony and Alexandria. There's also The Kingdom, the second biggest group of survivors after Hilltop, and based in a high school not too far away. As for why it's called The Kingdom, apparently the zombie apocalypse starts making you wanna name your home bases in the manner of a comic book writer. A relatively recent addition to the comics, they're lead by Ezekiel (because apparently ever outpost has to involve a charismatic leader with a Biblical name of varying subtlety), and actually manages to offer some support to Rick and Alexandria in resisting the set-up provided by Negan and The Saviours, as opposed to the pacifist Hilltop lot. Ezekiel's a pretty rad character, too, self-proclaimed €œKing€ of his kingdom, as opposed to the default leaders of Rick and Jesus. The addition of both The Kingdom and Ezekiel to the series is a no-brainer, since they're so intimately connected to storylines the show is gearing up for, and because they're a super interesting character and setting to explore in the context of the series. No doubt there'll be some changes in the translation, but his involvement is pretty crucial to something that'll be coming up in this very list!

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at