The Walking Dead: 10 Things That Could Happen Next (According To The Comics)
3. A Time Jump
One of the most ballsy moves in The Walking Dead comics in a series that's characterised by its ballsy moves was the recent time jump to two years in the future. It's a move that isn't exactly rare on television, either, with everything from superior NBC sitcom Parks And Recreation to superior sci-fi SyFy series Battlestar Galactica benefitting from leaps forward in time. It unsettles and also skips over a load of boring stuff you'd forget anyway. In the case of The Walking Dead, a time jump would be a god send. Pacing has always been a problem with the show, more so than the comics, so skipping forwards a little would provide a little respite from that and also explain thing like why Carl looks to have aged five years in a story that's definitely not been set over that sort of time span. The time jump in the comics works to set Alexandria up as a utopia, where the city has expanded to include a huge population, a self-sufficient eco-system including crops and the like, Maggie giving birth to her and Glenn's baby and calling it Herschel for some reason, Rick in a stable relationship with Andrea...okay, that last point can't happen for obvious reasons, but the rest seems destined for the TV show at some point.
Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at