The Walking Dead: 50 Best Deaths

18. Denise

The Walking Dead Greatest Deaths Denise Governor

The Episode: Twice as Far

How It Happened: While heading back to Alexandria with Rosita and Daryl, an incensed Denise started laying into the pair, taking their attention away from their surroundings. Hidden in the trees nearby, Dwight seized the opportunity to fire an arrow that pierced the back of Denise's skull and exited through her eye, causing the young woman to slur her last words and drop dead.

Why It Was Great: The image of Denise with the arrow through her eye was brutal, and even cruel, but a not-so-gentle reminder that one should never drop their guard in the world of The Walking Dead no matter how safe and secure they may think they are.


Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at!