The Walking Dead: 6 Things "What Happened And What's Going On" Got Right (And 4 It Didn't)

2. Not Just €œMaking It€

Besides being a badass, Michonne also had some of the best scenes dialogue-wise in this episode. Danai Gurira always knocks it out of the park, it's just rare that she actually gets given the opportunity. So when she almost single-handedly sets up the new status quo for the show in that one little exchange with Rick towards the end of this episode, it's pretty darn impressive. Grimes And Associates, LLC, have been doing all right for themselves. They follow a pattern, sure, with each season involving them finding a new stronghold, something going wrong, and then moving onto the next one. As Michonne points out, that's just barely €œmaking it€ - scraping through on survival. It's not living. They're never safe. They don't really get a chance to relax. And like that, they decided on Washington. Not because of the chance for a cure, because that's been nixed, but because it could be their best chance to just exist in a safe space for a while, instead of constantly being under threat. That new goal for the group is a subtle, but important, shift for the show. And probably one they will never reach because then what would happen?

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at