The Walking Dead: 7 Things "The Distance" Got Right (And 3 It Didn't)

The Good...

7. Aaron Seems Nice

The additions to lead ensemble of survivors in The Walking Dead this season have been uniformly strong. The Terminus lot from the beginning arc were genuinely nasty, the hospital crew were a little confusing but similarly mean, and Noah has been an intriguing outside addition. Now Aaron looks like he's going to be sticking with them for a while, too, which is more than welcome. Rick's suspicions of him throughout the episode weren't unfounded, since, well, most times the group come across someone new who claim to be helpful they usually turn out to be The Governor, or the aforementioned cannibalistic sort. So having a guy who's on the level, and goes out of his way to be understanding of their suspicions, was refreshing. And the brief scene between Aaron and his injured boyfriend was one of the better written of The Walking Dead's character interactions, which are usually blighted by cliché dialogue €“ perhaps they put more effort in because they didn't wanna mess up the introduction of their first openly gay characters, but there was some genuine emotion in that bit.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at