The Walking Dead: 8 Things "Remember" Got Right (And 2 It Didn't)

6. New Surroundings

Speaking of which, these new surroundings are pretty swanky, eh? Most of the episode is spent with the characters either marvelling over how similar this new base of operations looks, feels, and operates to the world before the dead started getting up out of their graves and munching on human flesh, or else struggling to remember exactly what they were like before the status quo changed forever. But besides that, it's just refreshing to get a look at something different. It's nice for the characters to finally have a wash and a shave €“ presumably so Andrew Lincoln can get some other acting work that doesn't involve wielding a bindle, and to explain continuity issues like why doesn't everyone have gross teeth €“ but it's nice to give the audience something new to look at too. The Walking Dead veers between being shot in a very functional, middle-of-the-road sort of way, and providing some truly stunning visuals, between the dense Southern woodland they spend most of the time traversing and the various ghost towns they've swanned through. After a while it can get a bit wearyingly bleak, though €“ so signs of civilisation are very much appreciated.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at