The Walking Dead: 8 Things "Remember" Got Right (And 2 It Didn't)

4. €œTransparency€

It's also time, apparently, for The Walking Dead to return to some of that social satire that's been missing from the majority of its run so far. The most successful zombie films €“ that is, George Romero's trilogy of Living Dead movies, before they went off the rails and started being more about cameos for his mates and heavy-handed preaching €“ were political allegories, exploring contemporary issues from the civil rights movement to the army being awful. €œRemember€ didn't exactly get all Daily Show in its forty-five minutes €“ Andrew Lincoln's shave wasn't part of his bid to replace Jon Stewart, as surprising a choice as that may be for a replacement host €“ but it hinted at some things going on around the edges, as Deanna sat down each member of the group for a chat in front of a camera. The reason for filming these little Q&As? According to Deanna, €œtransparency€, the trait that the Alexandria Safe-Zone is apparently built on. Considering she's a former member of the US government talking about that in the age of widespread surveillance brought to the world's attention by whistlebower Edward Snowden, it looks like The Walking Dead is getting political €“ and doing it just right, too.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at