The Walking Dead: Every Season 10 Episode Ranked Worst To Best

21. We Are The End Of The World

The Walking Dead A Certain Doom

The Walking Dead has a murky history with flashback episodes, and season ten's We Are the End of the World sums up how the show has struggled with them.

Though far from a bad episode, this particular history lesson sheds some light on how Alpha and Beta met and started the Whisperers, and how weirdly protective of her daughter Alpha really is.

This is all fine, but overall the episode doesn't actually tell us anything new about the pair. If it had been part of season nine, it may have fared better, since here it watches like episode-stretching filler despite the powerful performances and ace title.


I get to write about what I love, so that's pretty cool. Every great film should seem new every time you see it. Be excellent to each other.