The Walking Dead Season 11 Review: 5 Ups & 5 Downs From "For Blood"

5. UP: The Thrilling, Tightly Focussed Pace

The Walking Dead For Blood

If you can get over the loose threads and cliffhangers, For Blood is a brilliant exercise in action filmmaking, moving from one incredibly intense scenario to the next without taking a breath, and dialling the tension up to eleven in the process.

Helmed by last episode's Sharat Raju, the episode is seriously dark and tightly plotted, telling two contrasting stories without losing sight of its tone or characters.

Basically watching like two epic action set pieces - the stormy streets of Alexandria, and the battlefield outside the Reaper compound - it's action-packed and stunning enough to make up for its most glaring flaws.

The best part of its pace comes from Raju's ability to keep the stakes of the action so high, whilst taking the appropriate measures to let the characters talk things out and develop amongst the carnage.


i get to write about what i love, which is cool. be good to each other