The Walking Dead Season 11 Review: 5 Ups & 5 Downs From "For Blood"

4. UP: The Action Is FANTASTIC

The Walking Dead For Blood

Last week promised a major clash between Maggie's group and the Reapers, and For Blood delivered in spades right from the get-go.

Featuring some of the most exciting action sequences of the show since the Battle of Hilltop, the episode starts by having Negan and Maggie ambush a Reaper with walkers and then cut him down. From there, it only gets more incredible, the battle coming complete with countless walkers and a minefield.

The true stars of this epic clash are Maggie and Gabriel, who make a brilliant team. Maggie uses her walker herd to confuse the Reapers, then knocks down the compound's gate so the walkers can attack. Meanwhile, Gabriel supplies sniper support and saves her life.

For Blood is an hour of thrilling action and exciting character moments, and it really is great to see.


i get to write about what i love, which is cool. be good to each other