The Walking Dead Season 11 Review - 7 Ups & 1 Down From "Outpost 22"

4. Up - Maggie and the Child Walker

The Walking Dead Outpost 22 Maggie

After freeing her friends and escaping from the soldiers who kidnapped her, Maggie goes on the run while figuring out her next course of action. Her separation from her son literally haunts her as she is slowly chased by a child Walker.

Plagued with flashbacks of being separated from Hershel and worried about where he is being kept, Maggie struggles to kill this particular zombie, even though she knows of the dangers that it presents to her. Embracing and hugging it as though it was a living boy, Maggie tears up as she looks into its pale and decaying eyes before ending its undead life.

It's been a long time since the series introduced a young Walker, but they have always forced the living adults of this post-apocalyptic world to break down. Whether it was Sophia in the second season or Mika in season four, they made anyone and everyone cry from having become the monsters of this cruel world.

It's a touching yet haunting scene as Maggie loses herself and hugs the child Walker with the same love as she would for her own son that makes it a standout moment, and one which is welcomed in this high-octane, emotional roller coaster of an episode.


A writer who enjoys all things animation while dabbling into some gritty sci-fi and fantasy television. Enjoys a Marvel-ous cinematic trip like anyone else and has continued to love Pokémon since the '90s.