The Walking Dead Season 11 Review: 7 Ups & 3 Downs From "Promises Broken"

6. UP: It Sets Up A Major Battle

The Walking Dead

I think the most impressive part of this week's episode is commendable because it manages to soar where earlier episodes have struggled.

As noted, the pacing is seamless throughout, and this gives Promises Broken the chance to set-up the show's next chapter whilst slowing things down to let the various characters at its core do the talking.

Whilst this sounds like it's running the risk of simply being another hour of dialogue-driven filler, it actually finds a solid balance between exposition and necessary narrative progression, the best part of which comes in the episode's final moments when Maggie and Negan launch their attack on the Reapers' compound.

The episode ends on a seriously promising note, and after a few episodes of slower, character-driven storylines, it'll be nice to see the show tackle another big battle.


i get to write about what i love, which is cool. be good to each other