The Walking Dead Season 6: 5 New Characters You Need To Know

2. Carter - AKA Nicholas?

Ethan Embry is the last of the big new additions to the cast, and he€™s been revealed to be playing a character by the name of Carter, who Scott Gimple has described as being €œa combo of a few characters that we actually haven€™t hit yet or weren€™t able to hit in other characters. He is an Alexandrian, and has been there the whole time, just quite busy.€

There is actually a character within Alexandria by the name of Carter, but he has very little to do and was actually killed before Rick€™s group arrived, so it seems they€™ve just taken the name from him.

One of the other characters he could be made up of is Nicholas, even though he€™s already appeared on the show, at least in name. In the comics, he is the one who attempts to lead an uprising against Rick when unhappy about his leadership and fearing he€™ll get them all killed. In the season 6 trailer, we see Embry clearly challenging Rick€™s authority, so it may be that they€™re passing on the role of Nicholas to him.

Also in the trailer we see Rick delivering the €˜Do you you have any idea who you€™re talking to?€™ line, which he delivers to Nicholas in the comics. Given that Embry appears a lot more in the trailer, there€™s a good chance this line is being said to him.


NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.