The Walking Dead Season 8 Spoilers: 10 Things You Need To Know About All Out War

3. It Could Last All Season

The Walking Dead All Out War Rick Negan
Gene Page/AMC/Mantic Games

The comic book run lasts for 12 episodes, which might give us some idea of how long it's going to play out on TV. Essentially there are two likely options here: they stretch it out over 16 episodes, or they pack it all into just 8, with the war ending at the mid-season finale (this isn't taking into consideration any potential shortened season, though that wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing for the show).

Having the arc play out over the first eight episodes would lead to some truly frenetic pacing, with each episode likely to have plenty of action and exciting drama. That could work well, but then it also means that the build-up to the war (Season 7) lasted longer than the war itself.

With new additions in Oceanside and the Scavengers, plus an expanded roster of characters and the chance to cut between various groups in different episodes, plus new material written for the show, there is a good chance there'd be more than enough to take the story across 16 episodes. You'd have a mix of quieter episodes, with the troops regrouping and plotting, and then interspersed with big action-packed episodes, and could really get into the nuances of the characters, the strategies of the leaders, and the toll the conflict takes on everybody.

Then again, this is The Walking Dead, so they could always have the war end in one episode, or make it incredibly slow and never-ending.


NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.