The Walking Dead Season 9: 10 Reasons To Actually Be Excited

6. The First Seeds Of The Commonwealth Plotline Will Be Sown

Walking Dead Season 9
Image Comics

We’ve already mentioned the Commonwealth and their possible links to the mystery helicopter, but who exactly is this community?

Only recently introduced in the comics, they’re a 50,000 strong group of survivors living in various interconnected towns in the state of Ohio who call a woman named Pamela Milton their governor. They’ve got a pretty functional military with armoured soldiers and weapons aplenty and even their own arena hosting sports games and concerts.

Sounds quite civilised, right? Perhaps not. They also have a strict class system in place based on citizens’ pre-apocalypse employment that generates a lot of snobbery and we all know what happened last time someone calling themselves a governor got involved with Rick and his people.

The trailers have hinted we could be getting closer to the Commonwealth in the show too with a sneaky Commonwealth sign hanging from the Hilltop’s new windmill and a signpost listing the various communities we already know of with the addition of ‘Toledo’ which just so happens to be a city in Ohio.

New showrunner Angela Kang has also officially stated that Season 9 will lay the groundwork for the introduction of the Commonwealth so while we probably won’t be meeting them in the immediate future they’re definitely looming somewhere on the horizon. At least we’ll have some new villains to look forward to because the Saviour storyline is starting to feel a tad stale at this point.


Helen Jones hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.