The Walking Dead Season 9: 10 Reasons To Actually Be Excited

5. Rick’s Departure

Walking Dead Season 9

The Walking Dead fandom was rocked by the news that Andrew Lincoln will be leaving the show this season but as sad as it is to say goodbye to Rick Grimes there’s no doubt that his departure will have an epic impact. In fact, it could very well be the massive shake-up the show truly needs.

In the past, the mantra ‘no one is safe’ has been bandied around but to be brutally honest it’s seemed more like ‘no one is safe … unless you’re star Andrew Lincoln’. Killing off the show’s main character, however, raises the stakes considerably and would really prove that ominous mantra is true.

That said, it’s as yet unknown whether Rick will actually die or if he’ll simply saunter off into the sunset Morgan style leaving his storyline open for a possible return. Considering how much Rick loves Michonne and Judith, however, it’s unlikely he’d willingly leave them so it would indeed seem that Mr Grimes isn’t long for this world.

If death is on the cards for Rick, the question is how will he go? Will he succumb to a walker bite or at the hands of a living character? If it’s the latter, then who could it be? Maggie, Daryl and Jesus were last seen plotting to usurp Rick, Negan certainly seems to still have it in for him and there’ll be some shiny new villains to contend with too. There are so many possibilities!

So, while Rick’s exit is a bit heartbreaking it’s also kind of exciting and probably the best thing for the show at this point.


Helen Jones hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.