The Walking Dead Season 9: 6 Biggest Reveals From SDCC 2018

3. Even After The Time-Jump, Negan Is Still Locked Up

The Walking Dead Comic Con
Gene Page/AMC

In one of the most eye-rolling decisions The Walking Dead writers have ever made, Negan was not killed in the Season 8 finale. Instead, Rick decided that he would do what Carl would want and keep the villainous antagonist around, so that he could show him the way forward. We knew before Comic-Con that the show was going to take a significant time-jump, and the time that has passed is evident in the trailer, due to the amount of building work that has happened within the communities.

However, Rick is still keeping Negan prisoner. In the trailer, we see the former sheriff discussing the importance of community with his former foe, and Negan questions when he himself will be able to set his eyes on what they've achieved. Let's hope he doesn't get out of the cage, because we've all had enough Rick Vs. Negan to last us a lifetime. What's more, we can only pray that Negan doesn't become the protagonist when Andrew Lincoln leaves the show, because that would truly be the final nail in the coffin.


Stephen Patterson is an experienced writer and reviewer. He's also a TV addict.