The Walking Dead Season 9: 6 Biggest Reveals From SDCC 2018

1. The Whisperers Are On Their Way

The Walking Dead Comic Con

The Walking Dead has seen many antagonists across its eight-season run, and most of them have come straight from the comic books. The Governor and Negan were the show's two primary baddies, and both men were pulled straight from the source material. The Governor certainly translated to screen better, as Negan often came off as a bit pantomime-ish. But there is a group of antagonists that have yet to appear on screen and that's The Whisperers, and the Season 9 trailer shows that the group might not be that far away.

With Negan's reign of terror well and truly over, it means that the show is missing an antagonist. This makes it the perfect time for a new bad guy - or group of bad guys. Having said that, the show has gone from baddie to baddie, so let's hope it takes a while to get used to its new normal before we're thrown back into all out war again.

With Rick Grimes leaving The Walking Dead once and for all, could The Whisperers have something to do with this?

Has the new information from SDCC made you excited for The Walking Dead Season 9? Tell us in the comment section below.


Stephen Patterson is an experienced writer and reviewer. He's also a TV addict.