The X-Files Revival: 10 Things We Learned From The Season Finale

1. More Questions Than Answers

What did we really learn from My Struggle Part 2? Far from the whole story. Oh, we learned a few details, like how the Smoking Man survived, that Scully really does have alien DNA (the Scully-to-alien morph scene in the teaser was chilling), and that she is able to replicate it in the lab to cure at least one disease. We learned that Monica Reyes has been the Smoking Man's keeper for years, lighting his cigarettes and no doubt aiding in his schemes. Other than that, we learned very little, and there was absolutely no closure, just a cliffhanger ending with a UFO appearing over Scully and dying Mulder (who, Scully claims, needs his son's stem cells to live) on a crowded bridge. We didn't learn the whereabouts of William, or anything to do with his fate. We didn't learn if the Smoking Man really was just out to rule the world (he made a few apologies for his schemes when he mentioned man-made calamities like global warming and species extinctions), or if that was just a smokescreen for the onset of alien colonization. We didn't learn whether the alien presence seen during the revival was here to help humanity, or harm them. We didn't learn Mulder's fate. There was no happy, or tragic, ending. In short, in true X-Files fashion, we didn't learn much. My Struggle was actually a decent episode, and would have made a better season finale than most of the latter seasons of the show, but at some point soon, Chris Carter and company will need a solid ending. The revival might have given them some breathing room, but just a little. Be it in follow-up episodes next year or a third movie, the tale needs to end. The fans deserve closure. Add your thoughts on the season below!
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The X-Files
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Primarily covering the sport of MMA from Ontario, Canada, Jay Anderson has been writing for various publications covering sports, technology, and pop culture since 2001. Jay holds an Honours Bachelor of Arts degree in English from the University of Guelph, and a Certificate in Leadership Skills from Humber College.