The X-Files: 15 Guest Stars Who Made It Big

6. Lucy Liu (Season 3, Episode 19: Hell Money)

On The X-Files: Originally airing on March 29, 1996, Hell Money sees Mulder and Scully uncovering an underground organ lottery in the Chinatown district of San Francisco. Lucy Liu plays Kim Hsin, a young woman with leukemia whose father will do anything to provide for her treatment... including gambling his own organs. Most Memorable Moment: Kim questions her father about how he lost his eye. How Lucy Liu Made It Big: Only two years after her appearance on The X-Files, Lucy Liu joined the cast of Fox's Ally McBeal as Ling Woo, a character specifically written for her and that would earn her an Emmy nomination in 1999. Along with Drew Barrymore and Cameron Diaz, she headlined the Charlie's Angels film franchise in 2000 and 2002, later appearing as antagonist O-Ren Ishii in Volumes 1 and 2 of the Kill Bill Saga in 2003 and 2004. Currently, Liu stars as Dr. Joan Watson on CBS's Elementary.

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