The X-Files: 21 WTF Moments From The Season's Final Two Episodes

20. Serious Head Trauma

This is why you don't play with bombs, kids. The depiction of Muslim extremists in Babylon was a hot button topic online, with some claiming Chris Carter was stereotyping Muslims, while others felt what he had depicted was close to the mark: a couple of isolated practitioners of Islam, feeling discriminated against, turn to radical Islam for support. Look at one of the very first scenes: Shiraz carries out his morning prayers, hops in his car, and drives off. At this point, we have no idea who he is. He pulls up to a stop light, sees a couple of cute girls, and smiles. This guy is just another guy, no different than any other young man his age. A truck pulls up next to him, with your typical redneck, anti-Muslim jerk in the driver's seat, and you see Shiraz immediately intimidated. This was far from "we just hate America" and got to the central core of why people become radicalized. Was it a perfect depiction? No. In the end, you still have Shiraz blowing himself up, but then, there's a story to be moved forward here. After the bombing, Shiraz's head pretty much caves in on one side, and he's left comatose. The damage is the real WTF moment, though when you think of it, the whole situation should be making us as a society exclaim WTF as well.

Primarily covering the sport of MMA from Ontario, Canada, Jay Anderson has been writing for various publications covering sports, technology, and pop culture since 2001. Jay holds an Honours Bachelor of Arts degree in English from the University of Guelph, and a Certificate in Leadership Skills from Humber College.