The X-Files Season 11: 10 Things We Learned From The New Trailer

6. Ol' Smokey Is Again Offering A Faustian Bargain

The X-Files Season 11

Never make a deal with the devil, but if you're stuck between trusting the Devil, and trusting the Smoking Man - you might want to side with the devil.

The Smoking Man is front and center in the new X-Files trailer, and for good reason. As fatigued as some fans have become with the show's mythology, he's still the evilest villain the show has ever created. The biggest monster, despite being human. That's quite an accomplishment, and kudos to actor William B. Davis, pushing eighty, for continuing to make the character such a fascinating study in evil.

This time out, we see him offer to make a deal with F.B.I. Director Walter Skinner (hey, perhaps that's why the agents no longer trust him - but that would be too simple!). "I'm here to offer you a deal," Ol' Smokey says. "Civilization is in its final stages. I'm asking you to betray the whole human race. Mind if I smoke?"

Why is he offering this deal, and to what end? The Cancer Man has always been concerned about two things: power, and his own skin. He has a god complex, to be certain, and he'd rather watch the world burn if it meant maintaining his seat at the table.

Skinner likely won't take the deal, but what we really want to know is that the bargain is.


Primarily covering the sport of MMA from Ontario, Canada, Jay Anderson has been writing for various publications covering sports, technology, and pop culture since 2001. Jay holds an Honours Bachelor of Arts degree in English from the University of Guelph, and a Certificate in Leadership Skills from Humber College.