Titans Season 1: 3 Ups & 3 Downs From 'Hawk And Dove'


3. Contrivances Aplenty

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Warner Bros.

Why did Dick leave the money under the towels and then tell Dawn about it when he could have just handed it to her then and there? Why did Raven even look under a pillow when she had already explored the house? Why was Dawn so shocked by Dick's violent crime-fighting when she was practically scratching people's eyes out with the same bloodthirsty approach earlier in the episode?

That may be a lot of questions, but they can all be summed up with one answer: the plot required them to. As enjoyable as much of the episode was, it was unfortunately overflowing with contrivances that allowed the writers to simply move the plot forward. While a progressing narrative is obviously what we all want out of drama, there were far more innovative (and authentic) ways to make this happen. As an audience, we shouldn't be expected to just go with it when it's clearly all a little too convenient.

Obviously, one or two conveniences here and there are more than forgivable, but too many of them hinder the flow of the episode and, unfortunately, that's what happened here.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.