Titans Season 1: 4 Ups & 0 Downs From ‘Doom Patrol’

2. Welcome To The Show, Beast Boy

Titans Raven Beast Boy
Warner Bros.

You would think that being one of the founding members of the titular team would guarantee you some screen-time on your own show, but apparently this rule doesn't apply to Titans. Since the beginning of the show, Garfield Logan (Beast Boy) has barely gotten a chance to feature at all, with his appearances reduced to a cliffhanger tease that didn't deliver, and an arcade cameo. Thankfully that all changed in 'Doom Patrol'.

Thanks to a pre-intro flashback, we got to see how Garfield became Beast Boy, and this would ultimately set the stage for his role in the episode as it revealed that he would have died without the intervention of "Chief". It also set up an interesting dynamic between the pair as Gar clearly disagreed with some of his methods and, despite his gratitude, opposed him whenever he tried to hurt Raven.

In a single episode, Beast Boy has become a well-rounded three-dimensional character that isn't just there to provide us with impressive visuals or awkward one-liners, and by the looks of things, 'Doom Patrol' has only scratched the surface. Welcome to Titans, Gar.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.