Titans Season 2: 3 Ups & 3 Downs From 'E.L._.O.'

2. Going Round In Circles

Titans Season 2 Dick Grayson
DC Universe

It isn't just the team's constant separation that's growing tiresome - it's the show's storytelling itself.

Here we are almost two seasons into the show and Dick Grayson still hadn't fully accepted the events that forced him down that dark path in the first place. Instead, he still found himself caught in that never-ending cycle of self-blame - only it's somehow gotten worse since he admitted the truth to his team (when it should have started getting better).

Thus, now we have to watch him wrestle with his demons once again, as a figment of Bruce Wayne went out of his way not to be expositional when his sole purpose for existing was to exposit information.

Why can't Dick learn lessons without having to be shown them by someone else? Why hasn't he figured out that lies and secrets were what ultimately split Titans v1 apart? And, most of all, when will his inner demons stop taking us round and round in circles?

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.