Titans Season 2: 3 Ups & 3 Downs From 'E.L._.O.'

1. Abandoned Storylines

Titans Season 2 Rachel Roth Raven
DC Universe

Another casualty of the show's incessant repetitive storytelling format, Rachel's time with her new friend was cut short when the revelation that the latter's father was killed by something suddenly spurred the former to head to Elko, suggesting that she initially planned on ignoring the visions. And with her departure, her new friend seemingly became irrelevant. However, the issues didn't stop there.

Donna may have informed Rachel that she was looking all over for her, but she didn't inform her that she thought her darkness was killing again. Did she just forget? Surely Wonder Girl is more organized than that, especially when Rachel actually brought up the fact that she's started having dark dreams again.

This is the problem with all this jumping around between stories. The characters are being moved around on a chessboard by the writers and, too often they are moved in the wrong directions. Moving them back together may be the goal, but as so many of them don't get the development their storylines need away from the Titans, what's the point in separating them at all?

Now, for the positives...

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.