Titans Season 2: 4 Ups & 2 Downs From 'Faux Hawk'

1. The Random Flashback

Titans Season 2 Rose Wilson Ravager
DC Universe

As if the episodic structure of 'Faux Hawk' wasn't off enough, the show only went and threw a fully-fledged flashback into the middle of it to give us some context on the nature of the relationship between Rose and Slade Wilson.

Though undoubtedly a beneficial flashback, it disrupted the flow of an offering that was already all over the place to begin with. Moreover, while the stuff in there was great, it ended up feeling rushed and a little half-baked and, as a result, it left this writer wishing they had just gone the full flashback route with this episode - oh, the irony in that statement.

Titans has spent an awful long time this season (and its entire run) stuck in the past with flashbacks, but they all came at a natural point in time. This one, however, literally came from nowhere and given that it was for a character who has been sorely underdeveloped all season, it caught us all off-guard - and not in a good way.

Now, for the positives...

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.