Titans Season 2: 6 Ups & 3 Downs From Aqualad

2. Dr. Dim

titans show
Warner Bros.

Given that Slade has recruited him in the present based on his history with the Titans, it was imperative that Dr. Light serve as the Big Bad of this week's flashback episode. And in terms of playing an imposing threat for the young heroes, he nailed it. That being said, this extended role only ended up showcasing a major issue with the character that we were already beginning to see glimpses of in the previous episode: He's incredibly one-dimensional.

Even though he's never been portrayed as being, well, all that bright, at least he has a tangible goal in the main timeline: Destroying the Titans. In the past, however, all he wants is power and money - and that's not exactly revolutionary characterisation now, is it?

As 'Aqualad' was essentially just a villain-of-the-week episode, Titans could have gotten away with the cardboard villain because he did what he set out to do. But as he's seemingly set to play more of a role going forward, it might be nice to see something below the surface once in a while.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.