Titans Season 2 Finale: 10 Major Questions We're Left With After 'Nightwing'

1. Is Wonder Girl Really Dead?

Titans Season 2 finale
DC Universe

It goes without saying that the most traumatic moment of the finale came when Wonder Girl herself, Donna Troy, was shockingly killed by a wave of electricity as she attempted to save Dawn and a ton of innocent bystanders from a collapsing electrical beam. It was sudden, swift and shocking, leaving the Titans (and all of us) in complete awe.

However, following Donna's funeral ceremony and her body's subsequent transport back to Themyscira, Rachel decided that she wanted to go with her so that she could practice her abilities and perhaps even bring Wonder Girl back to life. It sounds far-fetched, yes, but remember the episode did give us the first glimpse of the girl who would be Raven's ability to heal in a very long time as she was able to make Kory's bullet wound disappear.

Donna's death was rather out-of-the-blue and, quite frankly, uncalled for, but it's made all the more suspicious by Rachel's comments. Surely they wouldn't throw in false hope like that, right? With that in mind, it's worth considering that we may not have seen the last of Wonder Girl after all.


What questions were you asking after the Titans Season 2 finale? Tell us in the comment section below.

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Titans Jason
Warner Bros.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.