Titans Season 2 Premiere: 7 Ups & 2 Downs From 'Trigon'

1. It Finally Feels Like A Teen Titans Show

Titans TV
Warner Bros.

Before Titans even aired, it was clear that the concept had potential. After all, it was a show about young and unique life-loving superheroes destined to take on crime with their energetic and youthful approach, right? Well, um, no not really.

As strong as the writing in the first season was, it was buried under feet of darkness, broodiness and more angst than a YA novel could ever dream of. That, unfortunately, weighed the whole thing down, and occasionally even made it feel like a drag. And yet, it still had potential.

If the Season 2 premiere is anything to go by, it appears that the show has finally realised that potential. From the full-scale superhero team up to the fact that Jason and Donna both actually referred to the team as the 'Titans', things instantly felt a lot more, for lack of a better word, heroic.

Of course, this all has to do with the more light-hearted and optimistic tone that the show has adopted this season - something that makes it a lot more of an easy and, more importantly, enjoyable show to watch.

With uplifting music, more heroes and, yes, even smiles (so many smiles), Titans is finally beginning to feel like the youthful and vibrant Teen Titans show we all imagined before it actually began and that, more than anything, has set a high bar that we can only hope the rest of the season will match.

Now, for the negatives...

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.