Titans Vs. Arrowverse: Which Is Better?

3. Character Development

Titans V Arrowverse
Warner Bros.

These days, TV shows are much more like films in the sense that, instead of churning out a series of random adventures, they tell a story over an extended period of time - during which the protagonist and supporting characters develop.

Collectively, the Arrowverse shows have been on the air for six and a half years, and during that time, character development has been one of the aspects that they have struggled to maintain. On one hand, some characters make mistakes, develop and learn. But on the other hand, some are often forgotten about and, as a result, remain underdeveloped. Then you have the ones that go back on their development entirely. Over half a decade in and protagonists like Oliver Queen and Barry Allen continue to make the same mistakes time and again, highlighting that they have learned nothing from their previous actions.

However, in its single season, Titans has proven to be rather effective in the development department. Being an intentionally slow burn, the show has subtly fed us information throughout the season - never telling us anything before it was absolutely necessary and thus, always leaving more stones to be unturned at a later date. From Rachel's origins to Dick's troubled past, the characters we see on the show are affected by their backstories and ultimately continue to change because of it. Moreover, the characters are aware that their actions have consequences and, slowly (but surely), they learn from them.

Winner: Titans


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.