The Simpsons: 10 Secondary Characters Voiced By Hank Azaria

5. Dr. Nick Riviera

First Appearance: "Bart Gets Hit By A Car," Season 2. "Hi everybody!" "Hi, Dr. Nick!" A product of Hollywood Upstairs Medical College, Dr. Nick Riviera is one of Springfield's two main doctors (the second being Dr. Julius Hibbert, who is widely considered better than Dr. Nick, despite Dr. Nick's marketing that he is "just as good as Dr. Hibbert.) The Simpsons- at the advice of equally-crooked lawyer Lionel Hutz- first meet Dr. Nick when Bart was struck by Mr. Burns' car; Dr. Nick was intent on helping the Simpsons and Hutz swindle Burns out of a million dollars; Marge's mistrust of him led to their downfall. After that, Dr. Nick appeared frequently as less of a medical-doctor and more of an inventing doctor, showing up on daytime infomercials hocking Spiffy (the 21st-Century stain remover), Mister Sugar Cube, and "The Juice Loosener." He would eventually combine the two, doing lengthy commercials appearances for his own medical services ("I will perform any operation for $129.99!") But sadly, he is just not a good doctor. He has anesthetized himself before surgery, he switched a patient's limbs ("Well if it isn't my old friend Mr. McGregg€”with a leg for an arm and an arm for a leg"), and he needed Lisa's help to successfully perform a triple-bypass on Homer. In The Simpsons' Movie, it appeared as if we had seen the last of Dr. Nick, as a large shard of glass from the dome surrounding Springfield seemingly crushed and/or impaled him; according to Matt Groening, Dr. Nick is fine, and has been seen on new episodes many times since. Funniest Moment: After Lisa gave Dr. Nick the final steps to complete Homer's triple bypass, Dr. Nick- feeling pretty good about himself, sang a little song I'm sure all doctors learn in medical school. Dr. Nick: "The kneebone's connected to the... something. The something's connected to the... red thing. The red thing's connected to my wrist watch... Uh oh."
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The 'House is a father of two and husband of one in Minnesota. He is an improv comedian, and in his spare time follows WWE, MLB, The Simpsons, and Bob's Burgers. Growing up he was a huge fan of He-Man, and refuses to believe that it was in fact terrible.