Top 10 Still Game Episodes

8. Scran - Season 1, Episode 6

Still Game

Try to watch this episode without craving a roll 'n' sausage or tatty scone. I dare you. It's pretty much impossible.

When Navid's brother dies, he asks Jack and Victor to run his shop for him, and they accept. No sooner is Navid gone that Winston is part of the team, spearheading an expansion into the fresh food market, to get revenge on a man who poisoned him years before. The business is a success, but Vince, Winston's rival, strikes again, tampering with the soup, leaving all who drink it with severe food poisoning.

Like I say, the food is a major selling point for this episode; more than once I've been sat watching it and had to make my way to the kitchen to fire up the frying pan. This is the other episode to focus mostly on Jack and Victor. Obviously, Navid is part of the story, but is absent for most of the episode. We get a great story involving Winston, but the rest of the characters fall into the background, but with 9 episodes in the season, each has their moment.

It's a good story too: two pensioners sitting wasting away, "vegetating" in their own words, and then up to do a day's shift, and be back amongst the day's goings on, although the story of 'King Pat The Pallet P***k' is inspiring enough to get anyone up and working ...

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Graphic designer, guitarist, rock n roll aficionado, wrestling enthusiast, football fan, pretend NFL understander, TV watcher and cinema goer.