Top 10 Still Game Episodes

7. The Party - Hogmanay Special 2006

Still Game

Hogmanay or Christmas specials of TV shows can usually be pretty hit and miss. Only Fools and Horses continually knocked it out of the park with its seasonal episodes, and this is the best Hogmanay episode of Still Game for me.

When Jack, Victor, Winston, and Isa are trapped in the lift on Hogmanay, they begin to reminisce about the last time the lifts were off. We see flashbacks to the '70s and see the full gang in their younger days, which in itself is enough to get this episode a place on the list.

However, the highlight of this particular episode comes in the form of a ned and Glaswegian slang. After prying the lift doors open to find themselves stuck between floors, a drunk man and his friends appear at the lift, amazed at the sight of 4 pensioners stuck in a lift. They ask him to phone for some help, which he's happy to do - for some cash. He asks for a fiver, which Jack hands over, he then proclaims "feeches." Jack perplexed at this simply responds "aye, feeches tae you tae" totally unaware that he means a fiver, from each of you.

At the time, this came out of nowhere and turned what could be an overall good episode into an instant classic. Still Game is built on these sorts of one liners, and is the sort of things that fans are eager to see in the new series.

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