Trigger's 10 Funniest Only Fools And Horses Moments

6. Toasting Rodney and Cassandra This short clip is another example of the long-running Dave gag being far funnier than it has any right to be. Following the news that Rodney and Cassandra are going to have a baby, the drinkers of The Nag's Head all raise a toast to the happy couple - Trigger of course toasting Dave rather than Rodney. A joke like this is all in the timing, and yet again Lloyd-Pack hits the nail on the head in that respect. The fact that unmistakeable voice is only heard in the background just makes it all the funnier. One of those few clips I could watch over and over and it would still manage to crack me up.

Northern Irish man living and working in London. Heroes include Ledley King, James Ellroy and whoever invented elasticated sweatshorts. Follow me on Twitter - @MJLowry23