True Blood: 5 Best And 5 Worst Stories

Season Six Impressions

TB6_Poster_3.indd So season 6 has begun. Bill seems to retain his human side but also having incredible new powers (including surviving a staking!). The thing I'm most excited about with this story line is a lot more Bill and Jessica time. One of the few good things about season 4 was Jessica and Bill sharing scenes and I'm really glad that they're doing that again here. Andy and his babies: Well I'm glad that they're aging quick, maybe the new show runner believes like me to get this story line out as soon as possible? Hopefully they'll be fully grown in a couple of episodes! Alcide: He's drinking the cool-aid here, all power hungry and having sex with random people when he has a girlfriend, oh and there is his girlfriend initiating a three way to keep him interested. I'm guessing that Alcide and his pack are the new Sookie and Bill/Eric. A season worth of sex scenes and not much else is coming up here I think! Jason: So now we've met Warlow as played by Rutger Hauer. Hmmm, I'm waiting to pass judgment here but I'm not too sure where it can go. Obviously Sookie isn't going to be taken by Warlow permanently, Warlow will die by the end of the season but I am intrigued what they're going to do to try and make some tension. Sam: Poor Sam. I loved Luna and am really sad that she's died. At least he still has Luna's daughter but based on the promo's for the next episode I'm not sure for how much longer! I really hope that they give Sam some peace, something happy this year, he really deserves it! Governor: We meet the Governor of the state. Publicly he denounces vampires and basically declares war on them, telling the public to go buy as many guns and wooden bullets as they can. Privately, he wants the money the vampires can give the state so he wants True Blood factories up and running asap. Personally I think this story line is going to be a slow burner until the last few episodes, I don't think he'll make it out of this season somehow. Steve Newlin: WHERE WAS HE?! So, there are my thoughts of True Blood Seasons 1-6, what do you think? Honorable mention for crappy story line goes to Hotshot. Crappy story line and then they just disappear and are never mentioned again! Insulting the viewer or what? At least nuke them and kill 'em all so we aren't scared that they're going to be brought back!
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True Blood
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I have recently finished my Masters thesis in media, as well as being a contributor to whatculture I also run a blog reviewing political books with a focus on Margaret Thatcher. I am a huge tv fan with my current favourites being Doctor Who, Game of Thrones, The Good Wife, Alias and Battlestar Galactica.