True Blood: 5 Best And 5 Worst Stories

2. Russell Edgington

true blood russell Season 3 and Season 5 of True Blood were some of the best seasons for one major reason: Russell Edgington. Season 4 definitely suffered from lack of Russell. Russell was so charming, his menace and villainy was always under the surface until Eric killed his lover of 700 years. Then....well then he went bats**t crazy and it was amazing. The photo above, with Russell on tv killing the newsman telling the world vampires wanted to eat their children was probably the best scene in all of True Blood. The operatic theme for Russell was such a welcome return in the season 4 finale, the return of Russell in season 5, his pretending to be religious, and then really religious conversions, the killings, his relationship with Steve Newlin, and Eric finally being the one to kill him made season 5 a great season.

1. True Blood: Maryann

trueblood-maryann The big baddie of season 2, the maenad Maryann was a revelation. Not as bats**t crazy as Russell, Maryann was immortal and just wanted to be with her God, and to have the world in ecstasy, to lose control. This led to orgies, eating hearts, killing anyone she thought might be the vessel to God made for a very entertaining second season. To kill her, Sam had to shapshift in to a bull to pretend to be her God, gore her and then turn back in to a human with his hand inside her, and pulled her heart out. Maryann's last line "was there no god?" actually made me feel sorry for her, Michelle Forbes was brilliant in that role and it shows that four years later we are still talking about how brilliant that character was.
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I have recently finished my Masters thesis in media, as well as being a contributor to whatculture I also run a blog reviewing political books with a focus on Margaret Thatcher. I am a huge tv fan with my current favourites being Doctor Who, Game of Thrones, The Good Wife, Alias and Battlestar Galactica.