True Blood: 5 Best And 5 Worst Stories

2. The Ifrit

True Blood Ifrit If Terry and Arlene got a crappy story line in season 4 they got an even worse one in season 5! Terry's army buddy popped by at the end of season 4 and we got the feeling that not all is good between them. We find out that when Terry and his platoon were in Iraq they were all drinking and having a good time, which led to them massacring a group of innocent people. Terry went up to a woman who was still alive and wanted to take her to hospital, Patrick however told him to kill her, so Terry did, though not before she 'cursed' him. Terry and Patrick ran around for a few episodes trying to find other members of the platoon, in the end, all of them were dead by fire, by a SMOKE monster (yes, True Blood didn't learn from Lost). In the end, they communed with the woman who cursed them before she was killed. She told them that one had to kill the other and then the other would be spared the horror of being consumed by the Ifrit (aka big black smoke monster). After a not-so-tense standoff between Terry and Patrick with Arlene in the middle of it, Terry killed Patrick (duh) and the smoke monster went away happy. Dreadful!
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I have recently finished my Masters thesis in media, as well as being a contributor to whatculture I also run a blog reviewing political books with a focus on Margaret Thatcher. I am a huge tv fan with my current favourites being Doctor Who, Game of Thrones, The Good Wife, Alias and Battlestar Galactica.