1. Fairies
During the third season we finally found out what Sookie was.... a fairy. We didn't see much of fairies apart from her fairy godmother, who at the end of season 3 took Sookie away to fairy land (seriously). Season 4 started in fairy land in a kind of Planet of the Apes type rescue. It was discovered by Sookie that the fairies wanted to harvest part fairy humans and keep them in fairy land. The fairies turned from all pretty little creatures to the ugly villains as seen in the picture above. That happened in episode one of season 4, the rest of season 4....zip. Apart from when Sookie's fairy godmother came to try to bring Sookie back to fairy land and Erice ate her. All that work and wonder of what Sookie was and then they tell us, introduce a new villain and a new world and zip after episode one. But, like a bad disease, they brought the fairies back in season 5. The 'nice' fairies had a nightclub in a field outside Bon Temps. They tried to warn Sookie about using her flashing light thing too much and told her and Jason that their parents weren't killed in a flood, but murdered by a vampire. A different fairy met up with Sheriff Andy and had sex with him, and at the end of the season she gave birth after having sex just a week previous in one of the most over the top and stupid birth scenes ever. After drinking a whole container full of salt she gave birth to four babies in quick succession (each time apparently with an orgasm) and then left them with Andy and went away leaving him with four babies. I don't think True Blood know what to do with fairies so they keep changing it around and making them even more preposterous each time they bring them back. It's embarrassing how bad their story line really is.