True Blood: 5 Best And 5 Worst Stories

Now we're finally on to the best story lines of True Blood! The top story line is a tie hence the first being the fourth best, enjoy!

5. Jason and Andy Bromance and Lafayette and Jesus

true blood Starting in Season 2, Jason and Andy began a bromance, firstly by taking down Maryann and then as police officers together. Jason helping Andy with his V addiction, being buddies. This bromance really presented both characters in a different light and made both more likable. Jason was no longer just a man-whore or dumb, and Andy wasn't just a too-serious cop. Together they made a great team, and a very entertaining watch. With less of them together in Season 5 I hope that they get back together in Season 6! Lafayette was supposed to die at the end of season 1, instead, in season 2 he was tortured by vamps and then had really bad PTSD and lost his mojo, his cool 'Lafayette-ness', so we kinda wished he had died, would have been more interesting! Then season 3 came and Lafayette had his first proper relationship with his mothers nurse: Jesus. Lafayette being shy, in love, open for the first time was brilliant and saved his character. Jesus was nice, happy, good looking, and really cared about LaLa. On the downside he was a witch which led to him being killed by Marnie whilst she was possessing Lafayette. This was heartbreaking, they were one of the best couples on the show! Nelsan Ellis had some of his best scenes after Jesus' death, brilliant, brilliant actor. I hope he gets more to do in the new season!
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True Blood
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I have recently finished my Masters thesis in media, as well as being a contributor to whatculture I also run a blog reviewing political books with a focus on Margaret Thatcher. I am a huge tv fan with my current favourites being Doctor Who, Game of Thrones, The Good Wife, Alias and Battlestar Galactica.