True Blood: 5 Best And 5 Worst Stories

4. Tara Becoming A Vampire

true blood tara Tara, Tara, Tara. In the first season she was Sookie's smart arsed, loud mouthed best friend, her first scene in the show when she has a go at a customer wanting help and quits is brilliant. In season 2 she fell in love with 'Eggs' whilst being brainwashed by Maryann in to getting beaten, eating hearts, orgies, etc, ending with her beloved Eggs dying. Season 3, wracked with grief she ends up as the victim of a vampire, being bitten, raped and almost turned. It is at this point that Tara left. Season 2 and 3 I felt got progressively worse for Tara, what I found entertaining in season 1 I found repetitive and dull and when she left at the end of Season 3 I thought, good, one less useless character. But no, she was back in season 4, she had embraced her bi-sexuality and enjoyed a new life in New Orleans until Bon Temps called her back and she was again, exactly the same person, loud and angry in her fight against the witches. Season 4 ended with her getting shot in the head saving Sookie, like the end of season 3 I thought yes, a good end to her. Again I was wrong! Pam (who I think is one of the most underused and best characters in the entire series) turned Tara in to a vampire, the very thing Tara hated most of all. At the beginning of season 5 Tara was the same, angry and useless. But then, thankfully, a change. Tara became happy as a vampire, no human could hurt her, she embraced vampirism. Tara and Pam threw great one liners back at each other and finally Tara was out from behind the bar! This was a Tara I enjoyed. Season 5 ended with her kissing Pam so I'm excited to see where this goes. Turning Tara in to a vampire is one of the best things this show ever did, thank you Alan Ball!
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True Blood
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I have recently finished my Masters thesis in media, as well as being a contributor to whatculture I also run a blog reviewing political books with a focus on Margaret Thatcher. I am a huge tv fan with my current favourites being Doctor Who, Game of Thrones, The Good Wife, Alias and Battlestar Galactica.